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The Happy Woofer "Guarantee"...

Puppies are guaranteed to be in good health, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of sale.


What's New

Take a Tour of Our Kennel

The Happy WooferTake a virtual photo-tour of The Happy Woofer!  See the animals and folks who you will meet, and talk to us about your search for a puppy!  If you have any questions, please click here to send us your inquiry.


Hi Diane,

We are so happy with Rosie (formerly Brandy) our new Papillon puppy. We were a little hesitant to pick a puppy online but after talking with Diane we were more comfortable. Since she was a Chrismas present it was so nice of you to send an updated picture before the holiday so we could show her to her new mom. She was thrilled Santa was getting her a baby of her own. We came to visit her at 5 weeks of age. We were impressed with the kennel, it was clean and all the dogs looked great. We got to meet her mom and dad. If we could of we would have taken her brothers and sister too (lol). Everyone we met was very nice. We even got to watch a puppy being born. At 7 weeks we came back to get her. She had a bath and the paper work went quick. We took Rosie to our vet and she was given a clean bill of health. He was impressed at how healthy and happy she was. She is now almost 11 weeks old and weighs 3 pounds(hopefully you can open the attachment).She is happy and healthy and very spoiled. We have two older papillons and Rosie just follows them around. We think she is the smartest puppy we ever had. We would highly recommend The Happy Woofer to any one looking to add to thier family . Over all it was a great experience.

Thanks so much,

Peggy McAlister and family

Holmes, Pennsylvania

Recent Events 2016

From The Happy Woofer Family...

Congratulations to Genji on her recent picture in Modern Dog Magazine! Her proud owners are Julia & Alex Klymenko.

Congratulations to Genji on her recent picture in Modern Dog Magazine! Her proud owners are Julia & Alex Klymenko.


Our "Guarantee"

This puppy is sold as a companion animal and pet. The Happy Woofer does not guarantee the puppy for the purchase of breeding or showing and cannot guarantee the size, weight or other breed characteristics of the adult dog.

Puppies are guaranteed to be in good health, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of sale. The Buyer must have this puppy checked by a licensed veterinarian within 72 hours from the date of the purchase, excluding Sat. & Sun. If the veterinarian finds a serious problem with the puppy within this 72 hours, the buyer must contact the seller immediately. Serious ailments would be something that is life-threatening to the puppy or an ailment that would make living with the puppy difficult. Undescended testicles, Umbilical or Inguinal Hernias and Cherry Eye are not included as serious ailments and are not covered. Grade I & II Heart Murmurs are considered normal and within acceptable limits in young and toy dogs, and will usually resolve. Sarcoptic mange and localized demodicosis must be diagnosed and reported to the seller within 10 days of purchase and the seller will provide medications to care for the puppy. Other illnesses, such as, coccidiosis, internal or external parasites, kennel cough, etc. are not covered in this warranty as they are common among animals.

The seller asks that if any of these illnesses were to occur, or the veterinarian makes the buyer aware of a problem, that the buyer notify the seller. If it is something that the seller is familiar with, the seller may opt to dispense the proper medication for the puppy, replace the puppy, or take it back to the kennel and return it to the buyer in good health within thirty (30) days. The seller, under any condition, will not pay veterinarians fees. If the puppy expires from distemper, parvo, corona, hepatitis or leptospirosis within 10 days from the date of purchase, seller will replace the puppy with another puppy of equal value. The buyer must produce vaccination records from their veterinarian and up-to-date vaccination records or the warranty is void. The selection of a replacement puppy must be made within 6 months of the buyers claim.

The seller asks that any congenital or hereditary defects be brought to their attention. These defects can vary in severity and may be life threatening or may be a small inconvenience. Therefore they will be dealt with on a basis by basis situation. Because there are so many known hereditary and congenital defects that are specific to each breed; each and every one can not be mentioned on this guarantee. The puppy is guaranteed until one year of age against genetic/congenital defects which would cause death or the need to be humanely destroyed. In such an unlikely case, a written veterinarian report, with autopsy if necessary, must be submitted in writing and signed by a licensed veterinarian. The puppy will be replaced or the purchase price will be returned at the seller’s sole discretion.

Purchaser understands & agrees to the above contract and acknowledges that there are no unwritten terms.






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